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Return / Ready to Learn Plan

August, 2021

FROM: Mr. Hatfield, Superintendent of Schools

TO: Sigourney Community School District Stakeholders

It is exciting to think that we about to the start of another school year! I hope our students, families and staff have had the opportunity to rejuvenate after a challenging 2020-21 school year. As of the date of this communication, the Sigourney Community School District will provide face-to-face instruction for each day at the start of the school year.

  • Online registration is available at this time (In person assistance is August 3)
  • First Day of School - Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 As superintendent, I will remain vigilant regarding the health and well-being of our students, staff and families. It is clear that COVID-19 infection rates are climbing across the country, particularly in areas where vaccination rates are low. The Delta variant, which is more transmissible than previous versions of the virus, is to blame for much of this spread.

With the above concerns in mind, the district will continue to implement deep cleaning and elevated sanitation measures. We will remain in close communication with county health officials, the Iowa Department of Education, and State of Iowa officials as well.

Ultimately, when we minimize disruptions to our learning environments, we significantly enhance our ability to positively impact the lives of our students!

Mr. Hatfield 

Go Savages!

 2021 - 2022 Return / Ready to Learn Plan

  • Sigourney CSD will plan to follow the Board Approved School Calendar for 2021-2022 School Year!
  • Sigourney CSD will plan to provide face-to-face instruction for each scheduled school day.
  • Face coverings (face masks) are not required at this time. (As of August, 2021)
  • Sigourney CSD will continue with increased sanitation measures.